Having a Grey Day? Keep Your Eyes Peeled I am lucky to live near the ocean. Among the joys it offers is a multitude of ‘moods’. Some days are picture-postcard beautiful. Some days have a spooky-gloomy beauty. Regardless… Read More
Don’t Ruin the Whole Load… While the debate over whether separating laundry into lights and darks is worth doing continues to rage, I thought I would send along the meme, above. Why? Because while I… Read More
Second Guessing Your Intuition? Check (List) in with Yourself Even though “Trust your intuition,” is a frequently used phrase, intuition can feel incomprehensible, or inaccessible. It’s easy to think, “What—and where—is my intuition? And why should I trust it?”… Read More
“I Can’t Hear Myself Breathe…”: How to Head Off Weirdness, Sadness and Madness More mornings than not I find myself saying, “I can’t hear myself think,” as the dogs gambol about me, the television news confronts me, and our particularly vocal cat, Thelma,… Read More
Thinking of “No” as “Next Opportunity” The past two weeks, I have been lucky enough to travel through Vietnam and Cambodia. One of my favorite things has been meeting brilliant, kind, and funny people—among them a… Read More
When—and Why—One Sock Can Steal Your Sanity… and What to Do About It As is the case with many of you, my days are busy. Work, school, Dolly-the-demon-hound… And while I would love to report that at the end of each day I… Read More
Want to Get Better at Something? Just Don’t Do It Given that my last post was about “just doing it,” it’s possible that this week’s theme might give you a bit of whiplash. Why? Because this week I am all… Read More
“Wishing You a One-Touch New Year” (AKA Happy New Year! It’s Time to Tighten Your Nuts) On December 31st, the Well desk of The New York Times published an article titled, “Your Best Advice of 2022” While a number of offerings caught my attention, the one… Read More
There’s “Compare and Despair” AND there’s “Compare and Repair” Some of you may be familiar with the phrase “compare and despair” – used to remind us that comparing our insides to other people’s outsides usually ends up with us… Read More
What Makes Some Support More Naughty than Nice? It appears—judging by articles along the lines of the NY Times’ recent piece on “The Magic of Less Holiday Magic”—that many people are overwhelmed at the prospect of keeping up… Read More