What Are You Waiting For? If You Missed Grabbing Opportunity by the Forelock—Grab the Fetlock Greetings from Croatia! I spent yesterday in Trogir, Croatia where I particularly enjoyed seeing the statue of the god, Kairos, pictured above. What is special about Kairos? According to the… Read More
Say a Proper Goodbye to Summer: Abandon Presenteeism, Embrace Forgettery Years ago, I subscribed to Wordsmith.org and it’s hard to articulate the joy it has brought me. Despite having a strong grasp on vocabulary, I am continuously intrigued and informed… Read More
Your Passport to Infinite Pleasures This past week, I published the below quote from Henry James as my daily “Wow, that’s a Thought”**: “Innocent and infinite are the pleasures of observation.” Why did that strike… Read More
Is it Too Hard For You, or Too Hard On You? Recently, I took a movement class with a very cool fellow named David Wilson (You can find him on Instagram as Oldscoolmoves. He’s fantastic.) One thing he said that struck… Read More
“Here’s What You’re Doing Right”: How to Give Great Advice In 2019, I was listening to Howard Stern interview Trevor Noah. (PSA: Howard Stern’s interviews are excellent. The rest of it? I can take it or leave it—or leave it… Read More
“Don’t Talk About My Friend Like That…” A few years ago my friend Sarah was running herself down in front of her boyfriend. This aspect of her body wasn’t correct…that one was awful…etc. Her boyfriend’s response? “Don’t… Read More
No Before Yes? Yes, Please For some time I’ve been meaning to write a post on my instinct/pattern of saying “No” before I say, “Yes.” And this is not just “No” to big asks. This… Read More
Sacred Mistakes Ahead (and They’re All Mine) A few weeks ago Salvador Dali contributed the day’s “Wow, That’s a Thought.” He said, “Mistakes are almost always of a sacred nature.” This idea on its own was thought… Read More
To Give is Human; To Receive, Divine Many of you have heard Alexander Pope’s famous quote, “To err is human; to forgive, divine” This is a true and lovely sentiment AND today I am using it as… Read More
Are You Being Ignored? Or is it Ignorance? This past weekend, I had the opportunity to totally lose my marbles. Afterword, during a conversation with a friend, I said, “I feel like this has been coming for awhile.… Read More