What is Your Intangible Cultural Heritage? I spent the past week in Istanbul attending the wedding of a cousin.  As is the case when I travel, I made a point of researching both the tangible, and… Read More
Why (and How) to Author Your Life This month our meditation focus is “a potential we have that we might not be nourishing.”  (As is the case with these meditations, it’s not possible to think your way… Read More
Is More Pot the Answer? (What Was the Question?) It’s possible that some of you read today’s headline and thought, “The Wow-world had taken a turn for the weird.” Not yet. Today, I’m writing about moments in your career,… Read More
Be Your Own Genie: Ask These 3 Questions Whether you were raised with Aladdin, the book, or Aladdin, the movie, you are likely familiar with the notion of a genie or a fairy or some such critter appearing… Read More
Hold Their Hand (Even if You) Say the Wrong Thing A few weeks ago, I posted this quote from Barbara Kingsolver: “The friend who holds your hand and says the wrong thing is made of dearer stuff than the one… Read More
What Compound Interest & Ayurveda Have in Common: An Ode to the Value of Little, Little You may remember that my last post spoke to the unsung benefits and beauty of consistency. In that vein, today’s post is an ode to the value of the (seemingly)… Read More
The Unsung Benefits—and Blessings—of Consistency Recently, I’ve been wondering when consistency (and its chums: reliability, dependability, and predictability) became a dirty word. And why spontaneity, surprise, and impulsivity are so prized. Now, I admit Consistency… Read More
Swap + Add: What Could You Give Birth To? Mid-January, I realized would be turning 60 in 9 months. “Hmmm….” I thought, “nine months. What if I took on a nine-month gestation project?” Because I know that new habits… Read More
Beware the Nocebo Effect This past weekend I was introduced to The Nocebo Effect, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. Like many of you, I was aware of the Placebo… Read More
Dis Your Distraction: Do Less, Be More This past weekend I went for a beach run with Dolly, my hound, and Pruitt, a delightful Corgi. As Dolly’s modus operandi is to vanish within seconds of arriving and… Read More