Do’s and Don’ts for Home Office Professionalism Do’s and Don’ts for Home Office Professionalism Now that the majority of us are working from home, I thought I’d send along a quick list of do’s and don’ts for… Read More
Present Your Best VIRTUAL Self – Starting Now These days we are all in the midst of a lot more online meetings and presentations. How can you present your best (virtual) self in these situations? One way is… Read More
You are Presenting (or Interviewing or Dating) from 3 Blocks Away This past Tuesday I had the opportunity to meet with a number of young fashion designers to discuss the launch of their brands. One of the things we talked about… Read More
“Breakups Are Like Handguns….”: How to Exit a Difficult Situation It’s possible some of you were startled by today’s headline. Let me explain: “Breakups are like handguns” was the pithy analogy offered to me by my brother some years ago… Read More
Don’t Work in a Goat’s Stomach It’s spring again! With all the vim and verve that accompanies that idea, for many of us, this ends up looking a lot like spring cleaning. All of which brought… Read More
Project Wow (or Project Wow) — You Pick Which Syllable to Stress! Hellooooo, A few weeks ago I was a guest on the Fierce and Flawless Podcast (Please note, while I can be fierce, I do not claim to be flawless.) I… Read More
What Does Zero Talent Get You? (You’d be Surprised….) I was blessed to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with my husband’s family. On arrival at his sister’s house, I was struck by the list on the chalkboard in their kitchen.… Read More
Do You Want to Be Awesome at Your Job? Check this Out A few weeks ago I was asked to participate in the “How to Be Awesome at Your Job” podcast and I had so much fun. Among the (many!) things we… Read More
How Can You Get Investors to Do More than Nibble—How Can You Get them to Bite? As you can see, my husband is an avid fisherman. As a vegetarian, I’m more focused on having him throw back what he catches, but I do understand the thrill… Read More
What do Porn and Bad Pitch/Cover Letters Have in Common? More than You Think The nature of my business is such that I have multiple email inboxes. The consequence of that is that one is always, inevitably, in the midst of a spam porn… Read More