10 Ways to be Taken Seriously at Work I was recently featured in an article on MSN Career by Kaitlin Madden, CareerBuilder.com Writer: When you think of the term “executive,” what comes to mind? Most likely, words like… Read More
It’s Auto-Reply, Not Auto-Pilot In preparation for going on vacation, many people turn on their email “Auto-response” function. Perhaps because vacation is so close—and they’ve already begun inhaling the heady fumes of their SPF… Read More
Hosting a Work Dinner Party? My new article on Maria Shriver’s The Women’s Conference: As someone in the workforce, you may find that you have to entertain your boss, and/or your colleagues, in your own… Read More
College Grads Make Sure You’re Covered: 3 Rules for Writing an Effective Cover Letter At the moment, college graduates nationwide are sending cover letters far and wide—many of which came to me for pre-sending inspection. Based on what I saw, I put together the… Read More
Work Matters – Your Career Advantage Listen to my interview with Nan Russell, currently airing on WebTalkRadio.net. Listen to the Interview >… Read More
Brand Yourself for Promotion By Chris Perry of CareerRocketer.com: Communicating your unique and differentiating value doesn’t stop once you get a job.  Personal branding is important for all professionals across industries whether they are… Read More
Forget About Sex—Let’s Talk About Hair For those of you scratching your heads (Sorry, I’m in a punning kind of mood) at the title—and the topic—of this piece, here’s a newsflash: many, many people spend as… Read More
3 Rules for Wowing Your Holiday Office Party Read More
Need an Edge Up on Your Career? I recently did an interview with Karl Staib who has a great website and blog titled “Work Happy Now!” Here’s some of the interview: You want that promotion? You need… Read More