When Opportunity Comes Knocking, Don’t Be “Occupied” One of my favorite quotes is Thomas Edison’s, “The reason that so few people recognize opportunity is that it comes dressed in overalls and looks a lot like hard work.”… Read More
Summer’s Here! 5 Easy Ways to Handle Whatever the Weekend Throws at You For those of you who’ve been pining for Summer 2019 since, well, January 1st, I feel you. As a devotee of heat and humidity, there are only a few days… Read More
Visual Aural or Kinesthetic? How Knowing Someone’s “Primary Intake Pathway” (and Your Own) Can Help Your Communication This past week I had a terrific time working with a management team. Among the many topics we discussed was each person’s primary intake pathway and how it impacted their… Read More
“The Loneliness of Low Expectations” (and the Joy of Sky-High Ones!) A few years ago, I was lucky enough to be a part of a speaking lineup that included Jim Abbott, the one-handed pitcher for the NY Yankees. As you can… Read More
You Are the Help Until Help Arrives (Or “In the Absence of Orders, Initiate Appropriate Action”) This past weekend I attended a workshop on how to prepare for an active shooter/killer situation. It’s an upsetting fact of the world we live in—but a fact nonetheless—that workshops… Read More
Small Investments = Big Returns: Cheap and Cheerful Ways to Get People On Your Side As many of you know who have been reading the Wow for a while, I have a lot of animals: 3 dogs and 2 cats, to be precise. Given that,… Read More
Shut Up (No, Really, Shhhhh….Don’t Talk) I’m guessing many of you found this headline a bit shocking – it felt shocking to write it. Why, then, did I? It’s excellent advice. Why is it top-of-mind at… Read More
Work Right With Your Type: What to Do with the Quirks that Make You, You I’m hoping that many of you, upon reading this headline, were reminded of Eat Right 4 Your Type, Peter D’Adamo’s best-selling diet book, the premise of which is that certain… Read More
Don’t Be a Tea Bag (They Only Work in Hot Water) Every so often I run into clients who, upon hearing that advance preparation will improve their performance, announce, “Oh no, I’m better on the fly/under pressure,” or—my favorite—“Oh no, I’m… Read More
S.T.R.E.S.S.E.D. about Speaking in Public? Here are Tools to Calm You Down As is often the case, last week I had a client say, “I get so nervous about giving presentations—it affects me for weeks beforehand. The worst time, however, is right… Read More