“Let the Beauty You Love Be What You Do” The title of this blog post comes from Rumi, one of my favorite poets. Why am I thinking about this today? Well, my mother-in-law passed away on Monday and this… Read More
Gratitude = Grease Hello Wow-types, I received lots of feedback on last week’s post. Many of you loved the idea of not having to educate others about how they could be less hideous.… Read More
When We Know Better, We Do Better Like many of you, my heart aches as I watch the news. Like many of you, I believe in the right of our black fellow Americans to do more than… Read More
Pitch (Zoom!) Perfect Now that the initial scramble to organize a daily home office routine has become, well, routine, many of us are lifting up our heads from the minute-to-minute-problem-solving of the last… Read More
Want to Keep Your Presentation Alive? (or Short-Circuit Your Sullen Teenager?) Take Questions Throughout I spent yesterday working with four clients who are frequently asked to give speeches. One of the (many) things we discussed was the value of having the audience ask questions… Read More
What’s Your Intangible Cultural Heritage? Hola from Buenos Aires, We arrived in Buenos Aires yesterday and—for those of you who haven’t been here—run, don’t walk: such a beautiful city, such lovely people, such delicious food…… Read More
The Benefits of Being Childlike—Not Childish* (Note: Childlike = innocent. Childish = immature) These past two weeks, I’ve been lucky enough to travel around the southernmost tip of Latin America. As you might imagine, it’s a… Read More
“Travel with It…” It’s Much the Harder Thing to Do: Welcome 2020 Happy New Year! It’s a privilege and a pleasure to start the decade with you. As those of you know who have been reading the Wow for a while, each… Read More
Wishing You the Kindest of Holidays As Hanukkah and Christmas converge and Season’s Greetings fly, “Merry, Happy, Jolly, and Joy” are frequently in play—and all are delightful. Here in the land of Wow, however, we would… Read More
Know Your Softball Swing (Or, What to Do When the Topic is so Big it’s Easy to Strike Out) As we close in on the 2019 World Series, it seems appropriate to write about softball swings—particularly as I spent yesterday with a client who frequently gets asked questions so… Read More