It’s February – how’s 2017 going for you?
If your world has been anything like mine, January was a bit of a blur.
In the interest, then, of getting the most out of the remainder of this year here is a link to my most recent Art of Manliness podcast where I discuss how to set yourself up for promotion in 2017.
Show highlights include:
- The groundwork that should be done before asking for a promotion
- Your do’s and don’ts of preparing to ask for a raise and/or promotion
- How good social skills can give you a leg up in the office
- The paradoxical nature of giving credit to your coworkers
- Why a performance review is the most important piece of you getting a raise/promotion
- The importance of having specifics in mind when asking for raises/promotions
- How to impress after poor performance in the past or bad first impressions
- How to come up with a number to present when asking for a raise
- How to handle being told “no” when asking for a raise/promotion
- Should you be networking and inquiring about other jobs in the midst of all this?
If you’re intrigued have a listen here.
If you’re not, consider that asking for a promotion is both a “do” and a “don’t”…. intrigued now? Listen here.
With all my best wishes for your success in 2017.