Trifecta of Wow Possibilities

Hello hello! Welcome to a Trifecta of Wow possibilities.

Today I’m unveiling three new Wow products (at 3 new Wow price points. If you can call FREE a price point….) Yes, it’s true. I’ve been busy. So what do I have for you?

First: A 7-day Wow Workshop

Hosted by Pop Expert, this 7-day Wow workshop gets you 7 days of videos from me covering everything from how to take the bored out of your boardroom, to why your emails may not be getting opened (and what to do if you don’t want to open others’), to how to interview fearlessly and flawlessly, to how run an effective online meeting or interview. You’ll also receive daily readings and exercises. To learn more, click here.

You can also sign up on Pop Expert for a one-on-one consultation with me (which I have to admit, I am referring to as a Pow Wow).

Second: an E-Book: “Wow Your Way into the Job of Your Dreams”

Wow Your Way into the Job of Your Dreams is a down and dirty primer on how to find and land the job of your dreams. Why do you need this book? Because you’re savvy enough to know it’s what you don’t yet know that can make all the difference in whether you land or lose that coveted job. Distilled from The Wow Factor, Wow Your Way into the Job of Your Dreams takes all your skills, smarts, and willingness to learn and transforms your vision into a reality.


Third: Interview Wow

Updated for the newest iteration of iPhone, my app Interview Wow is now FREE. Filled with answers to the worst interview questions you might get, from the pointed, “What’s your greatest strength/weakness?” to the (seemingly! beware!) pointless “What will you contribute?” it also includes the 9 research questions you must have the answers to (not to mention the answers) a countdown clock to help you prepare and 6 videos to inform (and amuse) you. You can check it out here.

I hope one (or more!) of this plethora of Wow-choices suits your fancy, your needs and your budget.

I look forward to your thoughts!

Frances Cole Jones