Sometimes a Lateral Move Gets You to the Next Level

This past week I spent time working on various yoga twists.

One thing that’s often forgotten and/or overlooked with these deep twists is the importance of moving laterally—taking the torso sideways—before twisting yourself upward.

Neglecting to do so, however, can lead to all kinds of complications and frustration.

Have you noticed a similar situation in the business world?

I have.

Unfortunately, however, many people in business view a lateral move as, at best, settling, at worst, failure.

You’ll hear them say, “Oh, but I don’t want to make a lateral move. I’ve worked hard to get to this level; I need/want/deserve to level up.” 


But what is often overlooked about a lateral move is that—as with twisting—there is still a lot of room to stretch once you’ve made it.

After all, it’s unlikely you will arrive at your lovely, new, lateral position and know all there is to know about it.

Any new situation has the potential to sharpen you skill set, enhance your teamwork, and expose you to people from whom you can learn, making you still better at what you do.

All of which will stand you in good stead when your lateral move has stretched you to your maximum.

At which time you will spiral upward with far fewer frustrations and complications.


For more on the value of taking a moment—or longer—take a look at “Build in a Recombobulation Area”