How Do I Say This….?

Hello Wow of the Week Recipients,

As ever, it’s an exciting day when I have the opportunity to write a blog post for you.

Today is particularly exciting as I have a newfound excitement I am bringing to my work.

What has occurred?

Well, some of you may remember that over the past few years I have appeared on the Art of Manliness podcast a number of times. Each time, at the end of the podcast, I mentioned the “Ask a Question” button on my website. The other day I counted up how many pages of questions and answers I have and it was over 200 pages covering everything from how to talk about a felony conviction to what to do when your best friend asks you for a loan.

All of which got me thinking that what really turns me on with the work I do is helping each of you get into the nitty-gritty of how you are going to handle whatever tricky situation you are facing. 

In almost every case, I offered the person in question a script for what they might say, with trajectory scripts they could use depending on how the conversation played out. 

What I didn’t know was how to frame what I was doing. Until I met up with my former agent this week (She titled “How to Wow”) and – without skipping a beat—she said, “Oh, you should have an advice column called, “How Do I Say This…?”


With this in mind, then, I have taken the decision to take a one-month break from the Wow of the Week while I hunker down and get a big picture and begin to think about how I can broaden the focus of what I’m doing. 

In the interim, please know I am here and am longing to hear any and all questions you might have about what to say when you need to handle your particularly sticky situation. 

I look forward to reconnecting in November.